We have a smoking area that the kids cant go to - it is called Betsy!
I think sometimes judgement needs to be used. The camp that I was at in 2002 had to fire about 6 people because of doing drugs on camp during session - fair enough it was wrong! and they should have been fired but I think that it should have been done at the up coming session break (only 3 or 4 days later) so that the campers didn't suffer, and the mean time they should have been restricted to be being in the staff house on their TO. Baiscally because when you fire 4 staff in one go mid session (the other 2 were fired at the start of the next session!) it impacts the entire camp - cos their roles have to be reassigned, but more importantly it upsets and unsettles the campers and makes more work for everyone else. I ended up having to take on the other day camp group and their LTG, while losing my LTG, as they were reassigned and the laundry girl became counselling staff too! It really wasn't a good situation!