It was kind of difficult anyway. I mean, sure I have my friends and people I could hang out with a little, but I didn't really hang around in the same unit as my friends. It was really difficult in some ways because some of my friends left after 3 of my 5 weeks on staff because they only need so many staff for the specialty camps. It was especially hard becuase I was either in day camp or the 1st-4th grade boys unit. Well, the younger boys and girls share a UL/UC so they never take TO at the same time because then the UC would have like 30 campers when she could take 15 or fewer at a time. One of my best friends was in the girls younger unit so we never had the same TO. DC always has their TO from 7-9 because we have no campers. However, no res camp counselors have that TO because all camp and closing ceremony are during that time so they would have to have TO at a different time those days and it would just get confusing.

Some of my best friends from CIT either didn't come back to be on staff or only came for lik 2 weeks.SO that is my sad ranting story ;\)

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"