Cabin Night
Being woken up at 4:30 in the morning by the sun/birds chirping, or not being able to fall asleep til 2 a.m. because of mice running around on top of your platform tent.
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I may be biased here since I was the nature coordinator but I will take being woke up by the birds chirping to having mice in my unit anyday
Camp themed movies or a camp themed book
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Camp themed book!
Bees or Hornets?
Also - Mice running around on a platform tent?? EEp. Was there food in the unit?
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Would you rather have a camp with a man made lake or a natural lake
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either as long as there is a lake.
camp that didnt have any water programs or one that was very water based?
Very water based... but then I am a lifeguard so I am biased.
Canoe or Kayak? To end the mammoth summer of 09 debate.
kayak - dont do canoes unless i have to
think face book should have virtual camp like yo-ville/farm-ville or not?
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At the very least I think it would be interesting to see what they come up with for it! Then depending on what they came up with I would have to decide whether I would play it or not!
really really slow wireless for staff to use or a much better and faster intenet only on a couple all-staff computers?
"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"
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I would take the faster internet-- At the camps I been at we only had a few computers for all staff to use
Would you rather have: the dining hall seperated into a boys side and girls side ( with each cabin sitting with their own cabibs) or not
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not, I like having the time to be with kids that are not mine. It is like a little mini break from them, even though you are still working. Plus it gives the kids chances to interact with other kids, including the opposite sex.
same here, with the internet. I've been at a camp where we only hyave 2 computers (when they both work) and we have slow internet on them! Although, with slow wireless, at least everyone could check their email instead of others hogging the few computers to do things that require a faster internet (watching shows online, etc).
night hike or campfire?
"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"
night hike. I am seriously missing leading them every night, and my addiction to wint-o-green lifesavers is breaking.
Scenario: You're camp is a million miles away from civilization and you cannot go shopping, and the postal service is on strike for three months. It's then that you realize you forgot to pack one of these, which would you rather forget:
[all of] your swimsuit[s], or [all of] your shorts?
Camp themed book!
Bees or Hornets?
Also - Mice running around on a platform tent?? EEp. Was there food in the unit? No food, the mice just liked to nest between the canvas and the tarp when they hung low. It wasn't good.
Nice.... Not a mouse fan. Scenario: You're camp is a million miles away from civilization and you cannot go shopping, and the postal service is on strike for three months. It's then that you realize you forgot to pack one of these, which would you rather forget: [all of] your swimsuit[s], or [all of] your shorts? First up: Panic! Truth is I can swim in t-shirt and shorts OR I could just cut down my jeans/pants. But it would be very hard to guard for any length of time without a suit so I'd rather forget my shorts. Woo long answer! Facebook or Myspace?
(i would leave swim suits - I can swim in normal clothing)
would you rather have heat exhaustion/stroke or trench foot from too much rain?
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Heat exusation-- which we did NOT have this past summer due to the weather being cooler then normal
would you rather have an online camp reunion or have a local camp reunion and have many of the staff unable to attend because they live half way across the country or the world?
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the two combined together somehow
spend an hour on a plinth in trafagar square doing what you want OR a whole morning as a human statue in camp uniform in central park?
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human statue
would you rather have: a camp with no internet or no phone access-- assuming the camp wont allow staff to use phones to make calling card calls and the camp has no cell phone singals
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No internet. I didn't even use ours this summer until the last weekend when there were only like... 8 staffers there. The internationals were always on (with good reason!) and the computer was slllllooooow.
camp with no flush toilets whatsoever, or a camp with no refrigerators/ovens/stoves available to staff whatsoever?
No flush toilets.... I have toilet tales from this summer. Give me a lat unit any day!
Theme weeks- Harry Potter or Hannah Montana?
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Harry Potter
I have toilet tales as well-- I'll save them for another thread
WOuld you rather have a TV for you weekend(s) off or have a decent internet access with a fast computer
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Internet and a fast computer. Then I can post a plea for help (or really, a plea for caffeine and ice cream) and someone can save me!
Cots or bunk beds?
bunk beds - as long as they arent made of the same stuff as the sink in the middle cots
would you like staff to have real mattress or think they should have the same thin ones as the campers?
Thin ones but it was common practice for us to use 2 at the same time. I think they're more comfortable than my bed at home!
Top bunk or Bottom bunk?
Top bunk. I grew up in a loft bed, which is like a bunk bed with no bottom bunk. I'm used to the height.  Latrines, outhouses, or porta-potties? (for the record, it has been my experience to refer to it as a latrine if there is more than one stall, otherwise it's an outhouse - of course, they are called tea houses at my camp because there are four stalls and I guess the girls thought it would be nicer to say they are having a tea party instead).
lats - prefer cts's though
when on an overnight with your camper easy walking distance back to camp = you expect your campers to wilderpee - BUT do you set the example or wait until they are asleep and take turns to walk back to camp and use facilities?